Thursday, January 29, 2015

Learning Science Anywhere (1/26/15 - 1/30/15)

Please use this section of the blog if you are absent or on distance learning to help you understand what is happening in science class any day of the week.  A new issue of Learning Science Anywhere will come out weekly.

Monday, January 26, 2015

  • QOD: How do you think wave speed and frequency are different?
  • I can: measure wavelength and amplitude as well as find the frequency.
  • Lesson
    • Students will draw a chart in their journal that represent how much energy different waves contain
    • Students will measure with a ruler the wavelength and amplitude of different waves.  They will then use a calculator to find the frequency of the waves
    • Early Finishers = Students will look up information about tsunamis and their relation to waves
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
  • QOD: What frequencies do you think would be the hardest to hear and why?
  • I can: accurately create a hearing response curve graph
  • Lesson:
    • Students will be given a survey on a paper provided by the STEMconnector.
    • Students will go to a hearing response website to determine what pitch they can hear best and worst.  Students will then create a hearing response graph for their own hearing and write a response about comparing theirs with their classmate
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
  • QOD: How do you make the wave speed faster?
  • I can: determine wave speed by manipulating the equation
Thursday, January 29, 2015

  • QOD: What does each of the symbols represent in the wave speed equation?
  • I can: define reflection, refraction, and diffraction
  • Lesson: 
    • Students will be taking notes and drawing pictures representing the three vocabulary words: reflection, refraction, and diffraction
    • Students will play Kahoot to review for their quiz on Friday over Wave Properties
Friday, January 30, 2015
  • QOD: Draw a wave with a high amplitude and a long wavelength.
  • I can: be proficient on the properties of waves and explain resonance & interference.
  • Lesson: 
    • Students will be taking a quiz over wave properties.
    • Students will be taking notes over three vocabulary words: interference, resonance, and standing waves.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hearing Test

Go to this website to do the hearing test.

When you are finished, research about how animals use different frequencies to communicate at this website

Monday, January 26, 2015

Daily Agenda

Today's Agenda
  1. Champs / I can Statement
  2. Answer and Discuss QOD
  3. Guided Reading
  4. Nearpod

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Learning Science Anywhere (1/20/15 - 1/23/15)

Please use this section of the blog if you are absent or on distance learning to help you understand what is happening in science class any day of the week.  A new issue of Learning Science Anywhere will come out weekly.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

  • QOD: What are three different medium examples where waves can travel?
  • I can: compare and contrast six different types of waves (sound vs. light, transverse vs. longitudinal, & mechanical vs. electromagnetic)
  • Lesson
    • Wave Comparison ChartStudents must copy down the chart into their notebook.  Each student will become an expert in their wave.  Students will them rotate to find the answers to the rest of the chart.  After the activity, ask one group of each of the waves to give their answers or write their answers on the board.
    • Wave demoWhat kind of wave do you think this will make?  Make one pulse down the wave.  What did you see?  How did the gummy bears move?  Where did the wave move?  How did you get the energy down the tape?
    • Wave drawing Students will receive a white sheet of paper and they will draw both a longitudinal wave and a transverse wave.  They will need to label the parts of the wave (crest, trough, rarefaction, compression, amplitude, and wavelength).  
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
  • QOD: What is the difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves?
  • I can: determine what variables affect wavelength and amplitude
  • Lesson:
    • Messed Up Waves Practice = Students will receive sentences that have been mixed up.  The sentences must be corrected to make sense.
    • Waves on a String - PHET = Students will work together to investigate transverse waves using the PHET simulator.
Thursday, January 22, 2015

  • QOD: How do the particles move in a transverse wave versus a longitudinal wave?
  • I can: be proficient on my CFA over the nature of waves.
  • Lesson: 
    • Nature of Waves CFA  = Students will work individually to test themselves.
    • Wave Bottles = Students will use a wave to bottle to make different types of waves and manipulate variables.
    • Wave vs. Amplitude Practice 
Friday, December 23, 2015

  • QOD: What does the frequency of a wave mean?
  • I can: manipulate the wave speed equation
  • Lesson: 
    • Wave speed equation practice
    • Tuning Fork Lab
    • Introduction to Section 3

Monday, January 5, 2015

What's New?

Students today used an online resource called Kahoot. 
It helped students review for their quiz on different forms of energy.

Kinetic Energy with Marbles
Students worked really hard in class to determine which type of marble (wood, glass, and metal) and what track height (one, two, or three books) would have the most kinetic energy. Take a look at our fun experiment.