Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Learning Science Anywhere (12/15-12/19)

Please use this section of the blog if you are absent or on distance learning to help you understand what is happening in science class any day of the week.  A new issue of Learning Science Anywhere will come out weekly.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 10 QOD: What is an energy conversion?  Give one example

Today you will be working online using the Phet Simulator to help you understand energy.  Get your Energy Skate Park handout and go to
Once you are on the website, press RUN to take you to the simulator.  If it does not work the first time, usually it has to download and you have to save it and open it.  Follow the instructions on the worksheet to manipulate variables on the simulator.  Don't let your skateboarder fall off the ramp!!! :)  If you may write a paragraph explaining the Rube Goldberg device below.  What is happening at each step? (

I can explain energy conversions in my own words

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Week 10 QOD: What type of energy conversion occurs when a you turn on a light?

Today we will be picking out energy conversions from real life situations.  First, write down all the different forms of energy on a blank sheet of paper.  Write a SHORT description of each energy form (e.g. Thermal = Heat).  An energy converter is a machine that changes energy from one form into another.  You need to find 5 different pictures of 5 different types of energy converters from a magazine. Cut out each energy converter and paste it onto a thick white sheet of paper (you may use a half sheet).  Under each picture, you need to identify the energy conversion.  Write the energy conversion like this:  ______energy to______ernegy
If you need to also add more of an explanation underneath you may.  Present your poster to the teacher, classmate, or parent explaining each of the energy conversions. 

I can pick out a real life energy conversion and explain it fully.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 10 QOD: What are all the energy conversions that occur when you light a fire?

Today you will be learning about how energy can not be created or destroyed.  Open up your book to the conservation of energy section from pages 138-141.  Answer the following questions on the worksheet or take notes using the questions as your guide.  Ask a teacher to take a look at your notes or worksheet and make sure it is complete and accurate.  Explain to the teacher three things that you know, two things you learned, and one thing you still do not understand.  
 In energy conversions, the energy you start with is equal to the energy that you end with which is the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Use your math skills to complete the set of problems on the next worksheet.

I can understand the meaning of the law of conversation of matter. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Week 10 QOD: What is energy conservation?

Students will be reviewing over the topics that were covered from Monday through Wednesday.  

I can explain an energy conversion

Friday, December 19, 2014

Week 10 QOD: Name one form of potential energy and one form of kinetic energy?

Students will be taking a CFA on Energy conversions.  Allow yourself five minutes to study before you take the test.  Make sure that you know all 9 forms of energy. After the test, we are going to watch a short clip about the Law of Conservation of Energy if there is time (

I can be proficient on my CFA over energy conversion.

Learning Science Anywhere (12/8-12/12)

Please use this section of the blog if you are absent or on distance learning to help you understand what is happening in science class any day of the week.  A new issue of Learning Science Anywhere will come out weekly.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 10 QOD: At what point in a pendulum is there the most kinetic energy and the most potential energy?

Today, we finished the Kinetic Energy lab using different marbles and book height.  Once finished, students will be create their own lab report. 

I can collect and analyze data from their lab to rewrite a lab report

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 10 QOD: What is the difference between sound and light energy?

Students are going to be participating in a new activity called Kahoot.  Each student will use an electronic device.  Students will go to the internet and type in  Once at this page, the student will use the game pin provided by the teacher.  After all students are logged into the game, then it begins.  The game will review different forms of energy and give great examples. The student who answers correctly the fastest for all questions will receive the most point.  The student will receive one candy bar of their choice.

Students will then be working on participating on completing their lab reports to be turned in today.  The lab report includes a well organized graph of their data.

At the end of the period, students will work on what is called the Energy Form Guide.  It will include the name of the energy and a picture to associate with that form of energy.  The students will continue to work on this project through Wednesday. 

I can categorize different forms of energy on my own

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 10 QOD: What is elastic potential energy?  Give an example

Students will first finish the Energy Form Guide making sure that it is colored and complete. Once finished, they should study if for their CFA today.  If their are early finishers, a card sort is available to help study even more.   Students will them complete their CFA on Energy forms

I can demonstrate proficiency on all forms of energy on my CFA

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Week 10 QOD: How do you get energy to your cell phone?  Where does it come from?

Students will be working on note taking skills for Chapter 5 Section 2.   The section includes information about energy conversions.  The students will then receive a whiteboard.  It will be used to give examples and answer questions about energy conversions.

I can describe in writing how energy conversion works

Friday, December 12, 2014

Week 10 QOD: Name all the types of energy conversions that occur when you start a fire.

Students will  watch a demo on energy conversion and then complete a handout about how machines are energy converters.  Students will then finish their worksheet on Bill Nye Energy.

I can accurately identify energy conversions

Learning Science Anywhere! (12/1-12/5)

Please use this section of the blog if you are absent or on distance learning to help you understand what is happening in science class any day of the week.  A new issue of Learning Science Anywhere will come out weekly.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 9 QOD: Write a sentence in your notebook using the words force, motion, and energy 

Today, we are starting a new unit and we need to learn the new vocabulary.  Students are going to be using the science textbook to find vocabulary words from Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.  After completion, students can complete a crossword / word search to help understand the words better (It may be turned in complete by Friday to receive a piece of candy)

I can gather information about new vocabulary

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 9 QOD: Energy is the ability to __________________.  What does that mean?  Give an example.  You may fill this out on the padlet on the "Daily Agenda" part of my website.

Beginning Activity = Push your pencil off the desk ( drop it one more time and WATCH carefully)

Write in your journal two sentences of what SPECIFICALLY happened to your pencil.  Did it bounce?  Did it move?  Why do you think this happened?  Think about energy.

Today, we are working on our note taking skills.  We have previously worked on a guided reading and notes together  The format that we learned was making three columns: vocabulary, notes, and pictures/equations.  The notes section was the largest part and used the RED headings from the book.  I would like you to try on your own reading the first four pages of Chapter 5 (124-127) and taking your own notes.  Time yourself and do this for only 15 minutes.  Remember it is important to know how to take notes quickly and accurately so that you may look back later to understand material. **It will help you in high school**

Have a teacher or someone at home take a look at your notes.  Do they make sense?  If they do not, then fix them so they do make sense.

Next, we are going to be working on practice problems for different types of energy.  Complete the worksheet provided.  Now turn to page 125 and work on the four practice problems.  Now turn to page 126 and work on the four practice problems.  Do this on a separate sheet of paper to turn in.  Show your work.

I can gather information quickly and accurately from Chapter 5 Section 1 about energy.
I can utilize different equation to figure out different amounts of energy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Week 9 QOD: What is kinetic energy?  Give ONE example. 

Today, we are going to be watching an information video that describes the different types of energy.  While watching the video, stop when you find information about each type and write down the information on your chart.  After completing the chart, take a few minutes to study and test yourself with a partner, parent, or teacher. 

I can understand and describe all  types of energy with an explanation and an example

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Week 9 QOD:  What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

Today, we will be working on completing the chart about the different types/forms of energy.  If one of the forms of energy is not included on the video, then look it up on the internet to find some information and examples. Students will then gather their materials for the Kinetic Energy experiment with marbles.  

I can experiment on different types of marbles to understand kinetic energy better.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Week 9 QOD: Name two forms of energy that are occurring when a bat hits a baseball.  

We will be taking a vocabulary quiz today and you may use your notes from your journal.  After the vocabulary quiz, Bill Nye energy will be watched in class.  It can be watched on  A small worksheet will be filled out while you watch the video.  Talk with another student or teacher about the answers on your worksheet.

I can be proficient on energy and motion vocabulary.  

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Enrichment - Pendulum Project

Look up and write a paragraph or bullet points about the question below (use notebook paper).  You must include 6 sentences or bullet points.

-What is a pendulum
-When pendulums were created?
-What does a pendulum look like?
-Who used pendulums and who discovered them?
-What is it measuring?
-Any other important information

Use the websites below or others to help you find the information:



Phase 1: Learning Objectives and Introduction

Students will design and conduct an experiment to determine how the length of a string and how the weight affect the number of swings of the pendulum.

A pendulum is an object, hung from a fixed point that swings freely back and forth under the action of gravity. A playground swing is an example of a pendulum. The swing is supported by chains that are attached to fixed points at the top of the swing set. When the swing is raised and released, it will move freely back and forth. The swing is moving due to the force of gravity on the swing. The swing continues moving back and forth until friction (between the air and the swing, and between the chains and the attachment points) slows it down and eventually stops it.

We see pendulums in other areas of our lives as well, such as in long-case clocks, commonly known as grandfather clocks. But pendulums can do more than entertain and help us tell time. Among other applications, they can show that the Earth is rotating! This was done in the mid-1800s C.E. using perhaps the most famous pendulum, Foucault's pendulum. However, pendulums were being used for centuries before this. One of the first known pendulum uses was around 100 C.E., when a Chinese scientist, Zhang Heng, used it to detect distant earthquakes in a device called a seismometer. Today, pendulums have many applications, including measuring local gravity and helping guide ships and aircrafts. 

You will investigate how the period of a pendulum is affected by different variables.  A pendulum's period is the time it takes the pendulum to swing back to its original position. In the example of a kid being pushed in the swings at a playground, this is the time it takes the kid to be pushed and then return back for another push. 

Phase 2: Understanding the Experiment

Materials: String, masking tape, timers, washers
Three Variables being tested: length, weight, and angle
Pick your Hypothesis: If I change the length to be (longer/shorter), the weight to be (bigger/smaller), and the angle to be (higher/not as high), then my pendulum will have (more/less) periods per minute.
Initial Setting Up the Pendulum Experiment: To do this experiment requires a little building work
1.     The pencil should be firmly taped to the top of the tabled, leaving about 4cm hanging over the edge.
2.     Next make a loop in your 20 inch string to fit on the end of the pencil but do not make it too tight fitting.
3.     At the other end of your string tie your washers (you will change the weight so not too tight of a knot)
4.     Before performing the pendulum experiment, make sure that everything swings freely without sticking.

Phase 3: Investigate 
Pick your Variables:  I have chosen Trial 1 for every team and you must choose how to adjust the    variables for Trial 2 and Trial 3.

Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Amount of Washers
5 Washers

Length of String
20 Inches

String Angle
45 Degrees

Record your Data: You will swing your pendulum for 30 seconds and count the number of periods (full swings) for that trial. When you have that number, multiple it by two and place it in the chart below

Trial 1 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 2 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 3 – Period Number (x 2)
Average Period per minute
      5   Washers

_____ Washers

_____ Washers

Trial 1 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 2 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 3 – Period Number (x 2)
Average Period per minute
20       Inch String

_____ Inch String

_____ Inch String

Trial 1 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 2 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 3 – Period Number (x 2)
Average Period per minute
45       String Angle

_____ String Angle

_____ String Angle

Graphing your data: Use your Average period per minute for each different variable and create THREE different graphs.  You may make it by hand on the section below or you can use excel if you understand how to use it. Make sure that they have a Title and the x/y axis is labeled. 

Phase 4: Conclusion
You will prepare a lab report individually. It may be typed or written, but turned into the teacher by the end of the class period on Monday.  Be sure that each member of the group has a copy of the data, reports will share data, but conclusions and writing are individual. Your report should include:

1. Introduction: (Includes background knowledge, hypothesis, and purpose)

2. Procedure (explains how you will test it, pictures can be used)

3. Data table (any data table that is relevant to understand your hypothesis)

4. Conclusions - Make sure you use your data to answer the question. Remember you have three variables in the experiment – length, angle, and weight. Both may have differing affects on the number of swings. Its up to you to find out exactly how each variable changes the pendulum's period (swings per minute)

5. Use the grading rubric to check that you have all parts of the lab report included. 

Phase 5: Debrief and Reflection on Work
Grading Rubric

Needs Work (2)
Satisfactory (3)
Excellent (4)
Introduction & Hypothesis
Experiment objective is not clear, hypothesis would be difficult to test; reader does not get a clear sense of what will happen in the experiment
Hypothesis is a testable statement, with a clear goal. Variables are included, or a statement that explains what tests will be conducted.
Clearly written and can be tested in an experiment. Variables clearly stated and are separated with respect to the prediction.
Procedure is lacking details, could not easily be repeated, missing sketches
Explanation of procedure is included; unclear at parts or missing sketch
Clear explanation shows how data was collected, including a sketch of the lab set-up.
Data Tables
Data is minimal, disorganized, trends not evident, looks like a rough draft
Data is included, but parts may be difficult to read. Trends are not obvious. Some labels may be unclear.
Organized, each column or row is labeled; any reader can clearly see the trends in the data. Graphs
Concluding statements unclear or off topic. Data is not used to support statement or conclusions do not follow data.
Data is used to state an outcome of the experiment, supporting statements (data) unclear or missing elements, conclusion only partly follows data
The data is used to clearly state the outcome of the experiment; the hypothesis is either supported or rejected, conclusion follows data.
Data Gathering-- experiment
Student did not remain on task, did not clean up or return equipment, very little data was collected.
Student was on task most of the time, some data was collected, work space was cleaned and equipment was returned
Enough data was collected to draw conclusions, student remained on task, work space was cleaned and equipment was returned 
(information and lab gathered from several different online sources)