Monday, December 15, 2014
Week 10 QOD: What is an energy conversion? Give one example
Today you will be working online using the Phet Simulator to help you understand energy. Get your Energy Skate Park handout and go to
Once you are on the website, press RUN to take you to the simulator. If it does not work the first time, usually it has to download and you have to save it and open it. Follow the instructions on the worksheet to manipulate variables on the simulator. Don't let your skateboarder fall off the ramp!!! :) If you may write a paragraph explaining the Rube Goldberg device below. What is happening at each step? (
I can explain energy conversions in my own words
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Week 10 QOD: What type of energy conversion occurs when a you turn on a light?
Today we will be picking out energy conversions from real life situations. First, write down all the different forms of energy on a blank sheet of paper. Write a SHORT description of each energy form (e.g. Thermal = Heat). An energy converter is a machine that changes energy from one form into another. You need to find 5 different pictures of 5 different types of energy converters from a magazine. Cut out each energy converter and paste it onto a thick white sheet of paper (you may use a half sheet). Under each picture, you need to identify the energy conversion. Write the energy conversion like this: ______energy to______ernegy
If you need to also add more of an explanation underneath you may. Present your poster to the teacher, classmate, or parent explaining each of the energy conversions.
I can pick out a real life energy conversion and explain it fully.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Week 10 QOD: What are all the energy conversions that occur when you light a fire?
Today you will be learning about how energy can not be created or destroyed. Open up your book to the conservation of energy section from pages 138-141. Answer the following questions on the worksheet or take notes using the questions as your guide. Ask a teacher to take a look at your notes or worksheet and make sure it is complete and accurate. Explain to the teacher three things that you know, two things you learned, and one thing you still do not understand.
In energy conversions, the energy you start with is equal to the energy that you end with which is the Law of Conservation of Energy. Use your math skills to complete the set of problems on the next worksheet.
I can understand the meaning of the law of conversation of matter.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Week 10 QOD: What is energy conservation?
Students will be reviewing over the topics that were covered from Monday through Wednesday.
I can explain an energy conversion
Friday, December 19, 2014
Week 10 QOD: Name one form of potential energy and one form of kinetic energy?
Students will be taking a CFA on Energy conversions. Allow yourself five minutes to study before you take the test. Make sure that you know all 9 forms of energy. After the test, we are going to watch a short clip about the Law of Conservation of Energy if there is time (
I can be proficient on my CFA over energy conversion.
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