Sunday, November 30, 2014

Enrichment - Pendulum Project

Look up and write a paragraph or bullet points about the question below (use notebook paper).  You must include 6 sentences or bullet points.

-What is a pendulum
-When pendulums were created?
-What does a pendulum look like?
-Who used pendulums and who discovered them?
-What is it measuring?
-Any other important information

Use the websites below or others to help you find the information:



Phase 1: Learning Objectives and Introduction

Students will design and conduct an experiment to determine how the length of a string and how the weight affect the number of swings of the pendulum.

A pendulum is an object, hung from a fixed point that swings freely back and forth under the action of gravity. A playground swing is an example of a pendulum. The swing is supported by chains that are attached to fixed points at the top of the swing set. When the swing is raised and released, it will move freely back and forth. The swing is moving due to the force of gravity on the swing. The swing continues moving back and forth until friction (between the air and the swing, and between the chains and the attachment points) slows it down and eventually stops it.

We see pendulums in other areas of our lives as well, such as in long-case clocks, commonly known as grandfather clocks. But pendulums can do more than entertain and help us tell time. Among other applications, they can show that the Earth is rotating! This was done in the mid-1800s C.E. using perhaps the most famous pendulum, Foucault's pendulum. However, pendulums were being used for centuries before this. One of the first known pendulum uses was around 100 C.E., when a Chinese scientist, Zhang Heng, used it to detect distant earthquakes in a device called a seismometer. Today, pendulums have many applications, including measuring local gravity and helping guide ships and aircrafts. 

You will investigate how the period of a pendulum is affected by different variables.  A pendulum's period is the time it takes the pendulum to swing back to its original position. In the example of a kid being pushed in the swings at a playground, this is the time it takes the kid to be pushed and then return back for another push. 

Phase 2: Understanding the Experiment

Materials: String, masking tape, timers, washers
Three Variables being tested: length, weight, and angle
Pick your Hypothesis: If I change the length to be (longer/shorter), the weight to be (bigger/smaller), and the angle to be (higher/not as high), then my pendulum will have (more/less) periods per minute.
Initial Setting Up the Pendulum Experiment: To do this experiment requires a little building work
1.     The pencil should be firmly taped to the top of the tabled, leaving about 4cm hanging over the edge.
2.     Next make a loop in your 20 inch string to fit on the end of the pencil but do not make it too tight fitting.
3.     At the other end of your string tie your washers (you will change the weight so not too tight of a knot)
4.     Before performing the pendulum experiment, make sure that everything swings freely without sticking.

Phase 3: Investigate 
Pick your Variables:  I have chosen Trial 1 for every team and you must choose how to adjust the    variables for Trial 2 and Trial 3.

Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Amount of Washers
5 Washers

Length of String
20 Inches

String Angle
45 Degrees

Record your Data: You will swing your pendulum for 30 seconds and count the number of periods (full swings) for that trial. When you have that number, multiple it by two and place it in the chart below

Trial 1 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 2 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 3 – Period Number (x 2)
Average Period per minute
      5   Washers

_____ Washers

_____ Washers

Trial 1 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 2 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 3 – Period Number (x 2)
Average Period per minute
20       Inch String

_____ Inch String

_____ Inch String

Trial 1 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 2 – Period Number (x 2)
Trial 3 – Period Number (x 2)
Average Period per minute
45       String Angle

_____ String Angle

_____ String Angle

Graphing your data: Use your Average period per minute for each different variable and create THREE different graphs.  You may make it by hand on the section below or you can use excel if you understand how to use it. Make sure that they have a Title and the x/y axis is labeled. 

Phase 4: Conclusion
You will prepare a lab report individually. It may be typed or written, but turned into the teacher by the end of the class period on Monday.  Be sure that each member of the group has a copy of the data, reports will share data, but conclusions and writing are individual. Your report should include:

1. Introduction: (Includes background knowledge, hypothesis, and purpose)

2. Procedure (explains how you will test it, pictures can be used)

3. Data table (any data table that is relevant to understand your hypothesis)

4. Conclusions - Make sure you use your data to answer the question. Remember you have three variables in the experiment – length, angle, and weight. Both may have differing affects on the number of swings. Its up to you to find out exactly how each variable changes the pendulum's period (swings per minute)

5. Use the grading rubric to check that you have all parts of the lab report included. 

Phase 5: Debrief and Reflection on Work
Grading Rubric

Needs Work (2)
Satisfactory (3)
Excellent (4)
Introduction & Hypothesis
Experiment objective is not clear, hypothesis would be difficult to test; reader does not get a clear sense of what will happen in the experiment
Hypothesis is a testable statement, with a clear goal. Variables are included, or a statement that explains what tests will be conducted.
Clearly written and can be tested in an experiment. Variables clearly stated and are separated with respect to the prediction.
Procedure is lacking details, could not easily be repeated, missing sketches
Explanation of procedure is included; unclear at parts or missing sketch
Clear explanation shows how data was collected, including a sketch of the lab set-up.
Data Tables
Data is minimal, disorganized, trends not evident, looks like a rough draft
Data is included, but parts may be difficult to read. Trends are not obvious. Some labels may be unclear.
Organized, each column or row is labeled; any reader can clearly see the trends in the data. Graphs
Concluding statements unclear or off topic. Data is not used to support statement or conclusions do not follow data.
Data is used to state an outcome of the experiment, supporting statements (data) unclear or missing elements, conclusion only partly follows data
The data is used to clearly state the outcome of the experiment; the hypothesis is either supported or rejected, conclusion follows data.
Data Gathering-- experiment
Student did not remain on task, did not clean up or return equipment, very little data was collected.
Student was on task most of the time, some data was collected, work space was cleaned and equipment was returned
Enough data was collected to draw conclusions, student remained on task, work space was cleaned and equipment was returned 
(information and lab gathered from several different online sources)

Enrichment - Ganske

Phase 1: Introduction 
  • Essential Question: How will forces applied to an object change the motion? 
  • The Challenge: You will balance mass, speed, height, and friction to create a roller coaster run. 
  • Student Role: Researcher and Roller Coaster Creator

Phase 2: Navigating the Challenge


    1. Research Newton’s Laws of Motion including forces, velocity, friction, and gravity ( 
    2. Research "Physics of Motion : The Physics of Roller Coasters" on page 13 of the website below by watching the video ( 
    3.  Examine and play with a roller coaster on this website (

    Phase 3: Experimenting

    LAB with a PARTNER
    • Go to the website
    • You will be changing the settings on the roller coaster one at a time
    • Test each one below with the bar at 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4.
    • Record your results of the performance of your coaster in your data table given in class. 
    • Be thinking about what happens to the coaster after each change is made? 
    • Look at your data and create a successful roller coaster
      • The coaster must complete a run without flying off the track or running out of energy before the end.
      • Record your final setting on your data table paper

    Roller Coaster
    Observation at ¼?
    Observation at ½?
    Observation at ¾?
    Final Setting
    Hill 1

    Hill 2






    Phase 4: Debrief and Reflection


    Write a paragraph describing the variables you chose to balance while designing your roller coaster. How did a change in one variable affect the other variables? How do the forces you defined earlier in the project work together or in opposition to make the coaster function properly?  Make a summary of what you know understand about Newton's Laws and roller coasters. 


    Phase 1 : Learning Objectives
    • Draw motion of planets, Moons and satellites.
    • Draw diagrams to show how gravity is the force that controls the motion of our solar system.
    • Identify the variables that affect the strength of the gravity.
    • Predict how motion would change if gravity was stronger or weaker. 

    Phase 2: Understanding motion
    1. Open the Gravity and Orbits simulation by clicking HERE and then clicking RUN NOW. Take 5 minutes to explore how the Earth, Moon, and the Space Station move.  Figure out the different controls you can manipulate. Talk about what you find with your partner if you have one  
    2. NEXT, compare the motion of the Earth moving around the Sun with the Moon moving around the Earth.  If you and your partner each have a computer: Try choosing a different view on each computer for this question.  
    3. Answer all questions in the chart given to you in class.
    Earth moves around the Sun
    Your Picture

    Your Description

    Moon moves around the Earth
    Your Picture

    Your Description

    What are some things you find that are the same about these motions?

    What are some things you find that are different about these motions?


    Part 3: Understanding Gravity
    • For the Sun and Earth system: 
      • Draw the path of the Earth with GRAVITY ON and GRAVITY OFF
        • Add arrows to show the force of gravity, label with "gravity force"
      • Draw the Sun's gravitational pull on the EARTH
      • Draw the Earth's gravitational pull on the SUN 
      • Answer on your paper, why you think the Earth moves, but the Sun does not move?
    • Play with the simulator to find ways to change the length of the blue gravity force arrows.  Collect your results in the table given in class.
      • Fill in an ACTION (something you created --see example below) below and write whether or not the gravitational force increases or decreases

    Gravity Force Increases
    Gravity Force Decreases
    Put star and planet closer together

     Phase 4: Reflection
    • Write a reflection on the back of you paper.  Explain what you changed to make the Moon go around the Earth in a bigger circle?  How could you make the Erth take a longer time to go around the sun?  How could you make the Earth take a shorter time to go around the sun?  Write about any other changes you may have noticed during the simulation.


    Complete both the roller coaster and gravity projects.

    • Go back to Science Enrichment D1 / D2 
    • Make sure that you have completed the reflection paragraph.
    • Please turn in all papers with your name on them to Mr. Ganske or Mrs. Manuel

    After all projects are complete,
    • Pick an element from the periodic table


     Marshmallow Challenge
    • Group yourself into groups of FOUR students
    • You will be building a Marshmallow tower with your classmates.  
    • Read the rules BELOW
    • Come up with a plan(s) and execute your plan
    1. Build the Tallest Freestanding Structure: The winning team is the one that has the tallest structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow. That means the structure cannot be suspended from a higher structure, like a chair, ceiling or chandelier.

    2. The Entire Marshmallow Must be on Top: The entire marshmallow needs to be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow disqualifies the team. 

    3. Use as Much or as Little of the Kit: The team can use as many or as few of the 20 spaghetti sticks, as much or as little of the string or tape. The team cannot use the paper bag as part of their structure.

    4. Break up the Spaghetti, String or Tape: Teams are free to break the spaghetti, cut up the tape and string to create new structures.

    5. The Challenge Lasts 18 minutes: Teams cannot hold on to the structure when the time runs out. Those touching or supporting the structure at the end of the exercise will be disqualified. 

      Challenge from (